One of the best compliments we receive is how quickly and happily Westview & Shambles children are ready to embrace learning when they settle into school. We like to prepare children to become interactive and inquisitive independent learners from the very beginning of their time at Westview & Shambles.
As your child approaches school age, they will start to take part in Ginger. This will see them working in a small group with a practitioner leading the session, very much as they will soon be engaging with their teacher. The sessions are fun, interactive sessions where the children take part in art, poetry and crafts all focused around key topics that will be important when they embark on their school adventures such as sharing, understanding your emotions and being healthy.
The Ginger programme also has two lucky mascots, Ginger and Mopsy, who act as home-links to share preparations and learning with the children and their families at home.
We also link closely with our local schools with the children utilising their libraries and outside space as much as possible within the school timetable to familiarise them with a school setting.